A bit about me ... My training & experience
2004 - Founded Hope Life Coaching & Consulting.
2004 - Certified as Grief Recovery Method Specialist™ by The Grief Recovery Institute® .
2007 - Certificate of Chaplaincy / Spiritual Care at William and Catherine Booth College.
2014 - Assisting Individuals in Crisis (4th Edition).
2015 - CISM - Psychological First Aid Training.
2016 - ICISF - Assisting Individuals in Crisis (5th Edition).
2018 - Certified as an Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist TM by The Grief Recovery Institute® .
2019 - Certified as a Life Coach by the Life Coach Training Institute.
Various courses include:
Life Coaching (Wellness, Career, Health, Boundaries, Finances, etc.)
Master Level classes (6), and (3) audits - for Counseling, Ethics, etc.
Computer Software Programs (various)
Counseling Methods, Listening, Open & Closed Communication
Family - Birth Order, Family Patterns, Genogram, Genealogy
Grief & Mourning
Health - Nutrition, Vitamins
Health - Addiction, Codependency, 12 Step Programs
Health (Mental) - Anxiety, PTSD, Burnout, Suicide Prevention, LIfe Skills
Music - Singing, Piano lessons, Theory
Modeling, Make-up, Colours, Draping, Photography
Relationships - Communication, Conflict, Narcissistic people, etc.
Pregnancy Care Centre (support, education)
Psychology (Adults, Adolescents, Children and Pets
Writing - Creative, Essay, Short Story, Business, Biography & Auto-biography
Spiritual courses include:
Boundaries; Safe People (Drs Cloud & Townsend)
Evangelism Explosion; Friendship Evangelism
Faith Mapping; World Religions; Theological Foundations
Faith - Non-denominational training (Stonecroft/Christian Women's Clubs) - hiring, managing, training, organizing, conflict resolution, etc.
Faith - Spiritual Gifts & Formation; Denominations
Family Tree; Birth Order; Genogram
Mental Health; Addiction; Codependency; 12 Steps;
Mentoring; Shepherding; Purpose Driven Life; Ministry of Presence
Music - Worship Leading; Writing Music
Parenting - Growing Kid's God's Way (with Love Languages)
Personality - Meyers-Brigg, Gary Smalley, Florence Littauer, Keirsey, Hippcrates, Enneagram, etc.
Relationships - Dating, Marriage, Separation, Abuse, Divorce Care, Communication, Love Tanks
Spiritual warfare - Bondage Breaker, Set Free Ministires; Elijah House
I look forward to chatting soon and wish you a blessed day!!
If you would like to also move forward ... contact me for a free consult.
Chaplain Barbel Wray
Certified Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist™
Life Coach, Funeral Celebrant, Mentor, Speaker, Musician
Hope Life Coaching & Consulting
E-mail: walkingbyfaith@shaw.ca
Spiritual courses include:
Boundaries; Safe People (Drs Cloud & Townsend)
Evangelism Explosion; Friendship Evangelism
Faith Mapping; World Religions; Theological Foundations
Faith - Non-denominational training (Stonecroft/Christian Women's Clubs) - hiring, managing, training, organizing, conflict resolution, etc.
Faith - Spiritual Gifts & Formation; Denominations
Family Tree; Birth Order; Genogram
Mental Health; Addiction; Codependency; 12 Steps;
Mentoring; Shepherding; Purpose Driven Life; Ministry of Presence
Music - Worship Leading; Writing Music
Parenting - Growing Kid's God's Way (with Love Languages)
Personality - Meyers-Brigg, Gary Smalley, Florence Littauer, Keirsey, Hippcrates, Enneagram, etc.
Relationships - Dating, Marriage, Separation, Abuse, Divorce Care, Communication, Love Tanks
Spiritual warfare - Bondage Breaker, Set Free Ministires; Elijah House
Volunteer Experiences include:
Advocating for those who feel they have no voice
Coaching those who have experienced Abuse (Physical, Sexual, Emotional, Spiritual);
Coaching those with Mental Health (PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Burnout); In Crisis; Survivors of Suicide
Coaching those with unplanned pregnancy, infertility, adoption, abortion, stillbirths, etc.;
Coaching those who are in their life with Addictions, eating disorders, grieving, suicidal thoughts
Coaching those struggling with speaking in front of their classroom with confidence coaching (and sometimes music to gain confidence to perform).
Coaching those struggling with interviews, resumes, confidence, career research, personality tests, Book - "What Color is Your Parachute", etc.
Coaching those in crisis; options & resources; support Women's Shelters, Single parents, etc.
Crocheting afghans & lap blankets for Seniors, Cancer patients, New babies at Hospitals, etc.
Helping also with organization behind the scenes at Conferences, Retreats
Hospital Visitation for various denominations; and upon request various faiths
Leading Sunday Services & Celebration of Life Services/Funerals at Seniors Homes
Leading Singsongs at Churches, Seniors Homes, Retreats
Leading Bible Studies at Churches (all ages), and Seniors Homes
Leading Retreats for Ladies, Singles, Those Grieving
Leading Worship with a Team for Church Services
Mediation between two conflicting parties
Mentoring those in new Leadership Roles - providing support; sounding board to tackle specific struggles and timelines.
Mentoring those new in faith with a safe place to ask questions
Mentoring those struggling in relationships at work/home.
Performing with Piano, Keyboard & Voice at various churches, offices and events
Speaking at Ladies Civic & Non-denominational groups
Speaking about Living beyond Abuse, Divorce, Grief, Health changes, Anxiety, etc.
Speaking - on Storytelling (organizing, research), but also empowering
Speaking about Nutrition, health.
Support & resources - for those with Emergency Social Services, Disasters, Procedures, Media
Teaching children - Vacation Bible School, Awana's, Pioneer Girls, etc.
Teaching Computer lessons (individually) - various ages
Volunteering to aid those with various types of dementia.
Volunteering at various non-profit fund raisers

My Passion also joins with The Grief Recovery Institute -
'Helping the largest number of people in the smallest amount of time'.