Comparison robs dignity - because you NEVER know how someone else feels.
Comparing losses (even within the same family) - can be so very hurtful. Why? Because each relationship is unique to that person and is NOT comparable. In fact comparing can minimize (and dismiss) their feelings.
Don't be the cause for another person to "stuff" their feelings and pretend to be "fine" when they are NOT.
Avoiding words like "you" "should" "never" "always" - as that will only cause them to stuff their feelings.
These well-meaning phrases are not helpful at all to say (or do)
- so please refrain..
Get over it
Don't feel bad
Replace the loss
Grieve alone
Just give it time
Be strong
Keep busy
Get a hold of yourself
You can't fall apart
Keep a stiff upper lip
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps
It could be worse
All things must pass
Not meant to be
God brings good out of everything
There are other fish in the sea
The living must go on
Be grateful you had him for so long
You can (or already have) other children
Aren't you over that yet?
They had a good life
At least they are not suffering anymore
They are in a better place