Grief is associated with death - but also ANY losses; Relationships that we wish were 'different, better or more'.
Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss of any kind.
Grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change in a relationship or life event.
Whatever we feel is fine - but it's what we do with our feelings that is important.
Without tools we tend to repeat what we have been taught.
Many will tell us 'don't feel bad', etc. which is well-intended but NOT helpful.
Grief includes death but also divorce, infertility, bankruptcy, retirement, loss of trust and more.
Incomplete relationships and grief can dictate fearful choices and isolation.
Likely we all have been socialized to believe that these feelings are abnormal and unnatural.
Recovery from loss is achievable by a series of small and correct choices by the griever.
Completion allows you to live in the present, look forward and enjoy life again.
Recovery is not about forgetting, it's about processing the unsaid things that keep us stuck, going in circles.
The Grief Recovery Institute® website https://www.griefrecoverymethod.com has additional resources.